
Interview Y.S.

Corporate Planning Division
HR Science Department

Details of the work he is responsible for

I am mainly responsible for all tasks related to new graduate recruitment. Specifically, I am in charge of contacting with students, updating the Navi site, speaking at company information sessions, conducting interviews and interviews, and participating in recruitment events, etc. For the recruitment of new graduates for the class of 2022, I was also responsible for planning the recruitment from scratch.

Biography and personal strengths

I originally joined System Eye as an engineer, so my first career path started as an engineer. 3 months of training for newcomers in April, followed by on-the-job training, led to my assignment to a project developing an information website. From there, I experienced various tasks such as development and testing of screens for administrators for about a year and a half until I was transferred to human resources. In April 2020, I made a job change to human resources, and since then I have been mainly engaged in new graduate recruitment. I am now in my fourth year as a new graduate, and even when I was job hunting, I did not see many young people who had made the transition from engineering to human resources, so I personally think that being able to speak both as an engineer and in human resources is a strength.

About the interesting and rewarding aspects of working at System I

I am allowed to do things so freely that I end up thinking, "Is it really OK that I'm entrusted with this much work? (laugh). Basically, I think about it on my own, try it anyway, think about what was good and what was not, and then move on to the next action. (Laughs) Basically, I think about it, try it out, think about what went well and what didn't, and then move on to the next action. But basically, I am never denied for thinking "I want to do this" or "I want to do that. I am often asked for advice on how to make things better, but I always feel that people trust me and entrust me with their work, and there are many rewarding moments when I feel the weight of my responsibility.

I would recommend people like this to join System I

Having joined System I as a new graduate, I am keenly aware that we are currently in a period of transition. I believe that those who can make dedicated efforts to become the kind of person who is sought after even in the midst of major changes will be able to make the most of our company's environment.