
Our Code of Conduct



This statement describes the code of conduct to be followed by all members of this community of System I (hereafter referred to as “the Company”) stakeholders, directors, auditors, employees, and participants in Company-sponsored events, both in on line and off line activities.
We believe that we are better served by creating a safe place for all people to connect with other companies regardless of ethnicity, national origin, race, gender identity or orientation, disability, physical appearance, size, age, religion, or any similar personal characteristic.
Therefore, we have decided to establish our Code of Conduct so that people with different social values and communication styles can communicate with each other in a meaningful and respectful manner.

Our Values

These are the values that we hope everyone who interacts with us will strive to achieve together. You may be misunderstood or misrepresent others, especially in communication. If this should happen, please do not accuse or provoke. If a conflict arises, it is entirely the responsibility of the parties involved to resolve it.

  • 1

    Welcome and treat all people in a friendly manner

    Not all participants in an activity communicate in their native language. Consider the possibility that the original meaning may have been lost in translation. Interpret others’ arguments sincerely and do not dare to ask for disagreement. If there is a disagreement, try to understand the reasons for the disagreement.

    Welcome all, be friendly

    Welcome all, be friendly

  • 2

    Be considerate in the way you communicate

    Please think about how your comments will be interpreted by others when you speak. Remember that sometimes it is best for each of us to refrain from commenting altogether.

    Consideration for communication

    Consideration for communication

  • 3

    Be respectful

    Respect differences of opinion. We respect diverse opinions, but we value respectful behavior even more.

    Feeling of respect

    Feeling of respect

  • 4

    Strive to talk constructively

    To avoid derailment, if you start a topic, end it with some conclusion and then start a new topic. Instead of just condemning the current situation, each person should consider how the situation can be improved. Avoid snarking (short, unproductive comments). Avoid discussing issues that make you feel uncomfortable or are sensitive. Avoid micro aggressions (hostility, contempt, or negative humiliation of an individual or group; humiliation by short, banal words, actions, or circumstances).

    Constructive talk

    Constructive talk

  • 5

    Be responsible for what you say.

    Take responsibility for what you say and the consequences of what you say, whether intentional or not.

    Responsible for words

    Responsible for words

Our Standards

Examples of behaviors that can lead to pleasant communication include.

  • Use friendly language
  • Respect for different perspectives and experiences
  • Accept constructive criticism with grace

Examples of unacceptable behavior include

  • Use of sexually explicit language or drawings
  • Trolling, humiliating, defamatory or discriminatory comments, personal or political attacks
  • Public or private harassment
  • Disclosing personal information about others, including physical or electronic addresses, without their explicit permission
  • Engaging in any other conduct that may be deemed inappropriate

Our Standards

Our Responsibility

Our Responsibility

We are responsible for articulating standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to instances of unacceptable behavior. We reserve the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments or other materials that do not conform to this Code of Conduct, and we reserve the right to temporarily or permanently ban anyone whose behavior is deemed inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or otherwise harmful.

Our Responsibility

Conflict Resolution

Healthy debate and disagreement can sometimes lead to positive results. However, it is never acceptable to be disrespectful to others or to act in a manner that violates the Code of Conduct. If you see someone violating the Code of Conduct, please report it using the form below. However, it is at our discretion as to how we will respond to the report. Please be assured that the reporter’s information will be kept confidential. We are committed to providing an environment where participants can communicate in a healthy and safe manner. However, we reserve the right to take action without notice in the case of ongoing harassment, threats to safety, or other potentially harmful situations.

Conflict Resolution

  • 2022-07-01 v1.0.0
  • 2022-07-04 v1.1.0
  • 2022-07-13 v1.2.0
  • 2022-07-22 v1.3.0
  • 2022-07-26 v1.4.0