
Our Code of Conduct



当社の価値観Our Values 当社と関わりを持つ皆様に一緒に目指していただきたい価値観です。コミュニケーションの中で時に誤解されたり、他人を誤解したりする可能性があります。 万が一そうなってしまった場合でも、非難したり、挑発に乗るような行為は避けてください。対立が生じた場合、それを解決するのはすべて当事者の責任です。 These are the values that we hope everyone who interacts with us will strive to achieve together. You may be misunderstood or misrepresent others, especially in communication. If this should happen, please do not accuse or provoke. If a conflict arises, it is entirely the responsibility of the parties involved to resolve it.11すべての人を歓迎し、友好的に接することWelcome and treat all people in a friendly manner 活動に参加するすべての人々が母国語でコミュニケーションを取っているわけではありません。翻訳により本来の意味が失われている可能性も考慮しましょう。 他の人の主張を誠実に解釈し、あえて反対意見を求めないようにしましょう。意見が対立する場合は、その理由を理解するように努めましょう。 Not all participants in an activity communicate in their native language. Consider the possibility that the original meaning may have been lost in translation. Interpret others’ arguments sincerely and do not dare to ask for disagreement. If there is a disagreement, try to understand the reasons for the disagreement…/../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/assets/img/company/img_code_of_conduct01.png../../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/assets/img/company/img_code_of_conduct01.pngWelcome all, be friendlyWelcome all, be friendly Welcome all, be friendly Welcome all, be friendly22コミュニケーションの取り方に配慮することBe considerate in the way you communicate 自分の発言が相手にどのように解釈されるかを考えて発言してください。時には、各自がコメントを完全に控えることが最善であることを忘れないでください。 Please think about how your comments will be interpreted by others when you speak. Remember that sometimes it is best for each of us to refrain from commenting altogether…/../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/assets/img/company/img_code_of_conduct02.png../../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/assets/img/company/img_code_of_conduct02.pngConsideration for communicationConsideration for communication Consideration for communication Consideration for communication33尊敬の念を持つことBe respectful 意見の相違を尊重しましょう。当社は多様な意見を尊重しますが、それ以上に尊敬に値する行動を大切にします。 Respect differences of opinion. We respect diverse opinions, but we value respectful behavior even more…/../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/assets/img/company/img_code_of_conduct03.png../../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/assets/img/company/img_code_of_conduct03.pngFeeling of respectFeeling of respect Feeling of respect Feeling of respect44建設的な話をするように努めることStrive to talk constructively 脱線を避けるため、一つの話題を始めた場合は何らかの結論を出して終わらせた上で、新しく別の話題を始めましょう。
マイクロアグレッション(個人またはグループに対する敵意、軽蔑、または否定的な侮辱、短くてありふれた言葉、行動、環境による侮辱)を避けましょう。 To avoid derailment, if you start a topic, end it with some conclusion and then start a new topic. Instead of just condemning the current situation, each person should consider how the situation can be improved. Avoid snarking (short, unproductive comments). Avoid discussing issues that make you feel uncomfortable or are sensitive. Avoid micro aggressions (hostility, contempt, or negative humiliation of an individual or group; humiliation by short, banal words, actions, or circumstances)…/../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/assets/img/company/img_code_of_conduct04.png../../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/assets/img/company/img_code_of_conduct04.pngConstructive talkConstructive talk Constructive talk Constructive talk55自分の発言に責任を持つことBe responsible for what you say. 意図的であったかどうかにかかわらず、自分の発言・及びそれがもたらした結果に責任を持ちましょう。 Take responsibility for what you say and the consequences of what you say, whether intentional or not…/../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/assets/img/company/img_code_of_conduct05.png../../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/assets/img/company/img_code_of_conduct05.pngResponsible for wordsResponsible for words Responsible for words Responsible for words当社の基準Our Standards 気持ちよくコミュニケーションを取ることができる行動の例として、以下が挙げられます。 Examples of behaviors that can lead to pleasant communication include.友好的な言葉を使用することUse friendly language異なる視点や経験を尊重することRespect for different perspectives and experiences建設的な批判を潔く受け止めることAccept constructive criticism with grace 容認できない行動の例として、以下が挙げられます。 Examples of unacceptable behavior include性的な言葉や図画を使用することUse of sexually explicit language or drawings荒らし、侮辱的・中傷的・差別的なコメント、個人的または政治的な攻撃をすることTrolling, humiliating, defamatory or discriminatory comments, personal or political attacks公的または私的な嫌がらせをすることPublic or private harassment明示的な許可なく、物理的または電子的なアドレスなど、他人の個人情報を公開することDisclosing personal information about others, including physical or electronic addresses, without their explicit permissionその他、不適切とみなされる可能性のある行為をすることEngaging in any other conduct that may be deemed inappropriate../../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/assets/img/company/img_code_of_conduct06.png../../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/assets/img/company/img_code_of_conduct06.png当社の基準Our Standards../../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/assets/img/company/img_code_of_conduct07.png../../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/assets/img/company/img_code_of_conduct07.png当社の責任Our Responsibility当社の責任Our Responsibility 当社には許容される行動の基準を明確にする責任があり、許容されない行動の事例 に対して適切かつ公正な是正措置を取ることが期待されています。
当社は、この行動規範に沿わないコメントなどを削除、編集、拒否する権利と責任を 有し、また、不適切、脅迫的、不快、有害とみなされるその他の行動をとった方を一時 的または永久に追放する権利を有します。 We are responsible for articulating standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to instances of unacceptable behavior. We reserve the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments or other materials that do not conform to this Code of Conduct, and we reserve the right to temporarily or permanently ban anyone whose behavior is deemed inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or otherwise harmful…/../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/assets/img/company/img_code_of_conduct07.png../../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/assets/img/company/img_code_of_conduct07.png当社の責任Our Responsibility対立の解決Conflict Resolution 健全な議論や意見の相違により、良い結果がもたらされる場合もあります。 しかし、相手に失礼な態度を取ったり、行動規範に違反するような行動を取ったりすることは決して許されません。 行動規範に違反している人を見かけたら、下記フォームよりご報告ください。ただし、報告された内容に対してどのように対応するかは当社の裁量で決定します。報告者の情報は秘匿されますのでご安心ください。当社はあくまで参加者が健全かつ安全なコミュニケーションを取ることができる環境を提供していきたいと考えています。 なお、継続的な嫌がらせや安全に対する脅威など、有害となりうる状況においては予告なく対処することがあります。 Healthy debate and disagreement can sometimes lead to positive results. However, it is never acceptable to be disrespectful to others or to act in a manner that violates the Code of Conduct. If you see someone violating the Code of Conduct, please report it using the form below. However, it is at our discretion as to how we will respond to the report. Please be assured that the reporter’s information will be kept confidential. We are committed to providing an environment where participants can communicate in a healthy and safe manner. However, we reserve the right to take action without notice in the case of ongoing harassment, threats to safety, or other potentially harmful situations…/../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/assets/img/company/img_code_of_conduct08.png../../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/assets/img/company/img_code_of_conduct08.png対立の解決Conflict Resolution noreferrernoopener noreferrerシステムアイの行動規範に関わる相談窓口はこちらClick here to contact System I for consultation regarding our Code of Conduct.2022-07-01 v1.0.02022-07-01 v1.0.02022-07-04 v1.1.02022-07-04 v1.1.02022-07-13 v1.2.02022-07-13 v1.2.02022-07-22 v1.3.02022-07-22 v1.3.02022-07-26 v1.4.02022-07-26 v1.4.0stylesheetstylesheet../../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/code_of_conduct.css../../../wordpress/wp-content/themes/system_i/code_of_conduct.css

Our Values

These are the values that we hope everyone who interacts with us will strive to achieve together. You may be misunderstood or misrepresent others, especially in communication. If this should happen, please do not accuse or provoke. If a conflict arises, it is entirely the responsibility of the parties involved to resolve it.

  • 1

    Welcome and treat all people in a friendly manner

    Not all participants in an activity communicate in their native language. Consider the possibility that the original meaning may have been lost in translation. Interpret others’ arguments sincerely and do not dare to ask for disagreement. If there is a disagreement, try to understand the reasons for the disagreement.

    Welcome all, be friendly Welcome all, be friendly
  • 2

    Be considerate in the way you communicate

    Please think about how your comments will be interpreted by others when you speak. Remember that sometimes it is best for each of us to refrain from commenting altogether.

    Consideration for communication Consideration for communication
  • 3

    Be respectful

    Respect differences of opinion. We respect diverse opinions, but we value respectful behavior even more.

    Feeling of respect Feeling of respect
  • 4

    Strive to talk constructively

    To avoid derailment, if you start a topic, end it with some conclusion and then start a new topic. Instead of just condemning the current situation, each person should consider how the situation can be improved. Avoid snarking (short, unproductive comments). Avoid discussing issues that make you feel uncomfortable or are sensitive. Avoid micro aggressions (hostility, contempt, or negative humiliation of an individual or group; humiliation by short, banal words, actions, or circumstances).

    Constructive talk Constructive talk
  • 5

    Be responsible for what you say.

    Take responsibility for what you say and the consequences of what you say, whether intentional or not.

    Responsible for words Responsible for words

Our Standards

Examples of behaviors that can lead to pleasant communication include.

  • Use friendly language
  • Respect for different perspectives and experiences
  • Accept constructive criticism with grace

Examples of unacceptable behavior include

  • Use of sexually explicit language or drawings
  • Trolling, humiliating, defamatory or discriminatory comments, personal or political attacks
  • Public or private harassment
  • Disclosing personal information about others, including physical or electronic addresses, without their explicit permission
  • Engaging in any other conduct that may be deemed inappropriate

Our Standards

Our Responsibility

Our Responsibility

We are responsible for articulating standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to instances of unacceptable behavior. We reserve the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments or other materials that do not conform to this Code of Conduct, and we reserve the right to temporarily or permanently ban anyone whose behavior is deemed inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or otherwise harmful.

Our Responsibility

Conflict Resolution

Healthy debate and disagreement can sometimes lead to positive results. However, it is never acceptable to be disrespectful to others or to act in a manner that violates the Code of Conduct. If you see someone violating the Code of Conduct, please report it using the form below. However, it is at our discretion as to how we will respond to the report. Please be assured that the reporter’s information will be kept confidential. We are committed to providing an environment where participants can communicate in a healthy and safe manner. However, we reserve the right to take action without notice in the case of ongoing harassment, threats to safety, or other potentially harmful situations.

Conflict Resolution

  • 2022-07-01 v1.0.0
  • 2022-07-04 v1.1.0
  • 2022-07-13 v1.2.0
  • 2022-07-22 v1.3.0
  • 2022-07-26 v1.4.0